onsdag 16. juni 2010

Illegal immigration and disease

Illegal immigrants are often carriers of serious, contagious diseases that have been eradicated in the Western world many years ago. Legal immigrants are screened carefully to make sure that they don't bring diseases into the country, but illegals are naturally not. Cases of tubercolosis, malaria, Dengue fever, leprosy and many other terrible diseases are more and more frequently seen in the states that harbor the most illegal immigrants.

Without a doubt, this is a very serious consequence of illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants are already taking up a lot of resources from the health care sector, medical services that they don't pay for. With the influx of deadly diseases that require the patient to be isolated, and are extremely resource intensive and time consuming to treat, the health care services that are supposed to look after American citizens are swamped with illegals that have never had treatment for their horrible diseases. The cost to the tax payer is enormous.

These are also diseases that Americans can get. How many outbreaks of horrible tropical diseases will we tolerate?

Stop Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration is a major problem in the United States. From soaring crime rates to lower wages, more diseases, less tax paid, more occupied hospital beds, a shocking growth in traffic accidents and the transformation of the US into a bilingual society, illegal immigration carries with it myriads of very serious problems.

Illegal immigration has to stop, and the vast majority of Americans agree. So why are the politicians not taking action, sealing our borders and making American citizens safer? We don't know, but we can guess. The Hispanic community in the US has become very large, and any political candidate must be popular among them to have any hope of winning an election. They are a homogenous group that's easy to pander to: just say that immigration is OK, legal or illegal, and you will get the hispanic votes.

Even though most Americans oppose illegal immigration, very little is happening when it comes to stopping the enormous flow of unskilled illegal immigrants into the nation. The border fence is a vital part of any responsible national policy, but it is no longer being built. The REAL ID that would identify anyone as a legal resident has been proposed, but we're still waiting for it. Even criminals that are arrested and are identified as illegals by the police are not deported. US prisons are filled to bursting by illegal immigrants who are guilty of very serious crimes.

Illegal immigration has to stop, but little seems to be happening. It is time for us Americans to make sure that the politicians follow the will of the people.